Red Squirrel

samahan ng mga magaganda or something like it...

Tuesday, October 12, 2004 thinking about singapore...people from different parts of asia/the world go there to look for jobs...but thing is, we cant chew bubblegum there...hahaha...

im not sure have any suggestions?

i have this offer from my uncle/aunt...i think i already told you about it...they asked me if i wanna go to canada...hayyy dati i dint want to coz i dint wanna let go of my pinoy citizenship...but now, we can have dual citizenship (which made me think, do people who have dual citizenship pay taxes in countries they are in?)...then now, im thinking canada is too square for me...

kayo can suggest...tas if you guys are serious i swear, ill do anything to go whereever...

which reminds me...ivy is in chicago (i told you that already right?) as a taek instructor...been there for almost 8 months...said she likes it there coz she lives in the "simple, ordinary" part of chicago where housewives play tennis and children go to school...tas 2 months ago, she found a pinoy bf (and she deeply believes that he's THE ONE)...she's not sure if she wants to go back to pinas coz of the bf...told her the bf shouldnt be the reason for her to stay/leave...her basis should be her happiness/contentment...i dunno, i think she slightly wanna go back coz of her she's almost like a mother to them na kasi...told me ill find living in the states "a breeze" kasi masipag naman daw ako...hihihi...oh well...just wanted to share what's happening with ivy with you...

and yeah, one more...i have a classmate from mba...broke up with the bf then went to the states...still looking for a job brave...

about december...yes, ill be going home! will book a flight on the evening of the 22rd of december (so perhaps we can have an xmas party by the 23rd?)...will go to TAC on the 24th evening...tas will stay there til the 2nd of jan...tas MNL na me til the 9th! prolly by that time, we can plan what to do with our lives...


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