kathy's _th bday!

last friday, may 15, kathy celebrated her _th birthday at agave restaurant in eastwood. early birds were ako, mia and ms. nancy (syempre 2mins away lang yung office namin). other guests were grace (kathy's hs friend), otche, marlon, dem, dan (former officemates), sir lito, glenda, and gigi. happy naman sana ang mexican theme kung lahat nagdamit for the occasion. pero wala pa sa kalahati ang sumunod sa theme. anyway, dem got the first prize (gc from starbucks) and i got the 2nd prize (a bag accessory and cologne). we had fun drinking margarita (siguro mga 6 pitchers all in all ang in-order namin) and platters of mexican pica-pica. sad to say, walang nalasing. kulang yata yung alcohol dun sa margarita. anyway, happy birthday ulit kathy and thanks for the treat! :)
nasan si doc? wala sia sa pics?
nasa bali, may seminar :)
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