Red Squirrel

samahan ng mga magaganda or something like it...

Monday, February 23, 2004

lani...bout that email you sent...ok naman sana message...bout carpe diem and stuff...but i find that thing about "what is the worth of all this if i do not have someone to share it with?" kindda off...i mean, let's face it, not everyone is lucky enough to find a man and get married...or, not everyone is strong enough to brave all the rigors that a relationship can bring...contentment doesnt lie in finding someone and raising your hands and telling the world that you have they say, we are all differently wired...if the writer deeply believes that a man will make her happy and content, then so be it...fine, i do believe that life is futile if you live for your own self being social beings and all...but then that other someone you wanna share your life with/devote your self to could be other than a your parents, sibling or friend...and, what exactly is wrong with being "mapili"? i am so fed up with people saying masiado tayong pihikan and all...pero isnt it how it should be? life is too short to make mistakes...and when i finally do give my heart to someone, i want it complete and healthy, not bruised or burned by some asshole...chuks.............gosh, thoughts on a looming single-blessedness for life...hahahaha


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